2005-01-30 - 5:28 p.m.

liverpudlian things of the day:

+ went to flea market at the Old Lark Lane Police Station and bought very "I am a Cool Bachelor from the 1940s" stuff.

+ had my first take away: veggie burger with salad -- that's what they call the lettuce bits -- and tahini sauce. i am in love. the dude behind the counter seemed to think it was unbearably cute that i'm korean with an american accent.

+ bought Red Leicaster cheese at TescoMetro while the Spice Girls played on the radio. the only way that could have gotten more British is if a guy started hunting foxes with a pack of dogs in the store.

+ saw, then pitied, then respected a one-footed pigeon that hobbled along the sidewalk. funny enough, i saw an advert for a found one-footed pigeon in Santa Monica a few years ago ... i bet it was the same one! what a trooper.

+ watched from the bus as a boy from Toxteth fell off his bike in the park, and saw his little friend help him back up. kyoot.

i lurve a city where the burgers come with tahini. scrummy.

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