2000-05-23 - holy crap i got home late

although i haven't thoroughly investigated girlkind, i'm aware of how recognizable guys can be:

first there's my father. he is redolent of spiceful heaviness.

my brother is fresh with the smell of water, evident that he grew up surrounded by women and children.

then there's paul. he is soaked in cologne, eager and liquid.

stefan has a cutely boyish sort of smell, like peanut butter i think.

oh, and then there's rainer of course. it's hard to describe, but a sort of mix between them all. i would say more, but sigh i don't know what else to say. but i do like it.

i didn't go to that protest on standardized testing today. i would feel worse about it, but it's something i can delay since i got to spend quality time with chloe. we went to jewel, bought ice cream + spoons + a "newspaper" with the headlines: SATAN BREAKS FREE FROM HELL!, and sat on the lawn. it was a great time, and we were actually there a few hours, looking at articles on how the Titanic was sunk by alien death lasers and eating mint chocolate chip.

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